Current Issue

Issue: 49, 12/31/24

Year: 2024

Antropoloji aims to provide a Turkish and English publication platform in Turkey for academics, researchers and students to publish on anthropology and all its related disciplines. Furthermore, the journal aims to provide a means of quality publication for the social and scientific development, especially in Turkish language.

Antropoloji accepts articles within an extensive scope, mainly from paleoanthropology, physical anthropology, social/cultural anthropology and forensic anthropology.

Paleoanthroplogy: Human paleontology, hominin phylogeny, paleolithic cultures, ancient DNA, paleogenetics, paleontology/systematic paleontology, paleodemography, skeletal biology, osteology, epigenetic characters on human skeleton, paleodontology, cultural history of Anatolia…
Physical anthropology: Human growth and development, ergonomics, anthropology of sport, gerontology, anthropometry, body composition…
Social/cultural anthropology: Anthropology of religion, political anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropology of body, philosophical anthropology, gender studies, kinship and social organization, identity/ethnicity, ethnographic studies…
Forensic anthropology: Forensic anthropology, forensic identification, facial reconstruction, forensic taphonomy etc.

Authors can also send their manuscripts about the key topics that are not listed above.

The submissions to Antropoloji are made through the “Submit Article” tab from the DergiPark page of the journal. The submissions made with e-mails will not be considered. The corresponding authors, preferably all authors, need to create a free DergiPark account if they do not have one .

In the submisson process, after the basic manuscript information is added, authors should be specified if the submission has more than one author. All the authors must have a registered ORCiD number. If not, they must create a free account and get their unique numbers.

Files and additional information
In the “Files” step, the corresponding author (CA) is presented with an Author Information Pack and a Copyright Form. The CA needs to fill the form and upload it along with the full manuscript file. Without the Copyright Form, the submission process will not continue. The authors can upload materials, datasets and other related files in this step.

After the additional information, if available, is added, the submission process can be completed with the author’s optional notes to the editor in the “Review and Send” step.

Important notes
1. The submissions to the system should preferably be in .docx file format. The contents of the text file should be free of any special formatting or templates. The text should be written in generic typefaces such as Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri.
2. By sending their works to the journal, the authors acknowledge that their work has not been previously published elsewhere or sent for evaluation/publication to another journal or journals at the present time.

Limitations and general submission guidelines
1. Antropoloji uses APA 7 for its general publication format.
2. The word count for research and review articles should not exceed 10000 including footnotes and bibliography.
3. The word count for book reviews and scientific meeting reviews should not exceed 7000.
4. In research articles the title format should be as follows: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion. The author(s) may add sub-titles as they deem necessary. However, the titles should not be numbered.
5. In review articles, the author(s) can change the titles as they see fit, but the sections must include the Introduction and Conclusion.
6. The author(s) may add an Acknowledgement title before the bibliography if they choose to do so.
7. For translations, the translators are responsible for the correspondence regarding the intellectual property of the original work. They can send their translations provided that they upload a proof of their proficiency in the original language and official permission documents.
8. The abstract (and Turkish Öz) should not exceed 250 words. The key words should be between three and seven. Each manuscript should have a Turkish and English abstract along with bilingual main title.
9. The paragraph indents should be made with the “Tab” key and not with the “Spacebar”.

Use of figures and tables
1. The authors must refer to all the visuals such as images, graphs or figures that they used in the manuscript and these must include their captions below them.
2. Each figure used in the manuscript should be included in the full text file. If the submission is accepted for publication, the CA should upload these preferably in 300 DPI resolution .tif formatted files that are suitable for digital publishing. For very large files, cloud-sharing can be directed to address.
3. The author(s) bears the responsibility for giving credits to the visual materials that are not their creation and should get the permissions from the original publishers if needed.
4. The authors must refer to all the tables that they used in the manuscript and these must include their captions above them.
5. A special formatting for tables should be avoided and using tables in tables is highly discouraged. The footnotes for the tables must be given below the table and not at the foot of the page.

Journal format, quotations, footnotes and referencing
1. The author(s) should format their in-text and end-text citations according to APA 7, along with the general formatting of the manuscript.
2. Direct quotations less than 40 words should be quoted between marks (“...”) with the original source information. If they are more than 40 words, they should be indented one tab on either side and be written without quotation marks. If any part of the quotation is skipped, the author(s) should indicate these parts with [...] and the original source information.
3. Footnotes should only be used if there is extra information that may flaw the literary flow of the manuscript and certainly not for giving references. They should be written in 10 points with the same typeface used in the text.
4. All the in text references, including the footnotes, should be given in the references section and vice versa. Personal communications, if any, do not need to be specified in references.
5. If the primary language of the submission is Turkish, either in-text or end-text citations should not include the ampersand (&) or et al.. Instead, the author(s) should use ve or vd.. Accordingly, ve arkadaşları should not be used as well.
6. In the end-text citations, the sources with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) should be specified at the end of the source as

Limitations and general submission guidelines
If the anthropological measurements (anthropometric, osteometric etc.) given in the “Materials and methods” section are not authentic, each of the sources giving the original measurements should be cited.

Proceedings of Ministry of Culture and Tourism
The citations to the frequently-used proceedings that are published within the scope of International Symposium of Excavations, Surveys and Anthropometry (tr. Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu) should include the URL at the end of the end-text citation.

Since the presentation date and the publication date are generally two years apart, the year given in the citation should specify the date of the proceedings book, not of the presentation itself.

Excavations and excavation materials
In case the submissions to Antropoloji include archaeological, anthropological or palaeontological finds and/or artifacts as their materials, the corresponding author is considered to have the written or unwritten permissions to study/publish these materials. The editorial of Antropoloji does not accept any liability in case of a disagreement.

Open access
All the published contents are open not only to academic institutions, but to everyone who has access to the internet. With open access policy, we aim to contribute to science and the scientific methods by our published research and to help people to be able to reach scientific information without getting stuck behind a pay-wall.

Ccopyright, licensing and reuse policy
All the published contents in Antropoloji are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). That means the published contents can be used elsewhere by giving appropriate credits, references and a link to the license. Users should also indicate if any changes to the original work have been made. Moreover, users cannot use the original and/or derived material for any commercial purposes. Briefly, the author(s) and reader(s) can reproduce and/or spread the published and/or electronic content in Antropoloji, without any commercial purposes. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that Antropoloji will endorse you or your work as the licensor.

Policy for legal responsibility
The complete legal responsibility that may arise from the submissions to the journal and their contents belong solely to the authors. Anything demanded from the third parties in case of any violation of copyrights will not oblige Ankara University and/or the editorial of Antropoloji to take any responsibility. In such cases, all the academic, scientific, ethical and legal responsibility belong to the author or and/or authors. The published articles and/or ideas does not necessarily have to reflect the perspective of Antropoloji and its staff.

The manuscripts and other various submissions and related information/documents sent to Antropoloji are kept indefinitely by the editorial for archiving reasons.

All issues can be found in Ankara University Academic Archive System and on the DergiPark page of the journal. An effort is being made at the moment to increase the lower image quality of the digitized former issues and the overall quality of the journal's archive.

Antropoloji evaluates the manuscripts sent to be peer-reviewed with iThenticate® software. In order for the manuscripts to be even peer-reviewed, the upper limit of similarity index is 15% excluding quotes and bibliography. The review process of manuscripts having more than this rate will be declined. Furthermore, if a submission appears to be under 15% treshold but is came out to be against the academic methods and ethics or includes conflicts in referencing, intended falsity or forgery, it will get declined directly regardless of its similarity index.

The author(s) need(s) to mind the ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) recommendations and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) standards.

Antropoloji is an open access and a free of charge academic journal published in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative. The journal requests article submission or processing charges under no circumstances.

All the published contents in Antropoloji are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). That means the published contents can be used elsewhere by giving appropriate credits, references and a link to the license. Users should also indicate if any changes to the original work have been made. Moreover, users cannot use the original and/or derived material for any commercial purposes. Briefly, the author(s) and reader(s) can reproduce and/or spread the published and/or electronic content in Antropoloji, without any commercial purposes. Nevertheless, this does not necessarily mean that Antropoloji will endorse you or your work as the licensor.
Budapest Open Access Initiative